Soil Thermal Resistivity
Soil thermal resistivity testing measures the capacity of the ground to conduct or dissipate heat. A correct understanding of the thermal properties of a soil or layer of made ground is important for the design and installation of underground pipelines and transmission cables, to avoid premature failures. The heat produced by current flowing through an underground power cable must be properly dissipated.
The thermal resistivity of a soil will determine whether a buried power cable remains cool or overheats. A build-up of heat around the cable can reduce transmission efficiency, or in the worst cases cause the cable to melt. Potential problems can be identified by measuring the thermal resistivity of an in-situ soil. Remedial measures include changing the capacity and insulation of the cables or installing corrective thermal backfills in the cable trench.
Typical Applications:
- Assists the design and layout of underground pipelines
- Prevents occurrence of heat build-up around power transmission cables
- Measures the ground’s heat dissipation properties for a pipeline installation
- Calculates the optimum cable specifications for the local ground conditions
- Determines if in-situ ground must be replaced by cable bedding thermal back-fill